Community Creates Balance

Why Connection and Community is so Important

What resonates with you when you hear the words: connection or community?  What types of feelings do you get? Maybe its a sense of comfort, support and belonging? A feeling of togetherness and familiarity?

Creating connections for yourself and a sense of community can really do wonders for the mind, body and soul! Connection helps you cultivate new relationships with others and yourself. Community can help get you out of your comfort zone and moving forward, because you are not alone.

It creates courage and you are supported. Reaching out and creating connection with others and building community helps you live YOUR best life(Swoboda, 2018).

I truly believe that community creates Balance.  It drives you to find that sweet spot between making the effort and surrendering to the natural connection.

My personal experience with authentic connection and community was/is powerful.  It transformed my life.  It helped me get through some really tough times and  helped me seize opportunities that changed my life for the better.  “Find your tribe and love them hard” couldn’t be more true than needing oxygen to breathe.  It will give you LIFE.

Think about how you can strengthen or grow the community/connections you are already a part of?

If you are struggling with making connections, think about what may be holding you back? What can you do today to start making positive connections that align with YOUR best life.

Swoboda, 2018 “The Courage Habit”. California: New Harbinger Publications


  1. Jo on 12 July 2018 at 8:22 pm

    Love this blog! Thank you!!!!

    • bal@health on 13 July 2018 at 5:12 pm

      Thank you for reading!!! Ill be writing more articles on all things to help create your Balance!

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